Antonin Delpeuch eb7d402328
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/ test (push) Successful in 41s
Update after migrating from GitLab to Forgejo
2023-12-19 10:51:15 +01:00

3.8 KiB

📗 Handbook

This is documentation about the handbook itself :bowtie:

📚 HonKit

We use HonKit to build the handbook.

👏 How to contribute

The content is stored at git.kanthaus.online/kanthaus/handbook.

First, make sure you have access rights: you need a NextCloud account part of the "Kanthaus" team.

Next, understand the two approaches you can take:

  1. edit directly in the web interface
  2. clone the git repository to your computer, make changes, then push them back

☁️ Editing in web interface

You can click the EDIT THIS PAGE button at the top of any page, and it will take you to the appropriate page to edit on Forgejo.

The content is written in markdown, if you are not familiar with markdown you can learn more about it at markdownguide.org.

Once you have made your changes you can optionally edit the comit message, then press Commit changes.

After a few minutes the changes will be live on the website!

💻 Editing on your local computer

For this you will (probably) need to become familiar with:

  • the command line
  • git
  • editing markdown files
  • honkit
  • nodejs and yarn
  • ssh keys (optionally)

Firstly, clone the repository:

git clone https://git.kanthaus.online/kanthaus/handbook.git

(note if you want to use ssh keys you'll need to use ssh://git@ssh.git.kanthaus.online:2222/kanthaus/handbook.git instead).

You'll then have a directory called handbook wherever you ran the command. We need to enter the directory and install the dependencies:

cd handbook

Now you're ready to run it locally on your computer:

yarn serve

This will build the book and serve it up at localhost:4000, you can visit that in your favourite web browser.

Now you can edit the content, I recommend using visual studio code for editing.

Any changes you make will trigger your browser to reload the new content!

Once you're happy with your changes, we need to commit them to the repository, and push them back to Forgejo:

# tip: see which files you've added/changed
git status

# add all changes in your local directory
git add .
# ... OR add changed files individually
git add handbook.md

# tip: check status again to see which files you're about to commit
git status

# tip: see the content you're about to commit
git diff --staged

# note: make sure your commit message is informative!
git commit -m "Clarified the handbook page"

# push the changes back to Forgejo
git push

After a few minutes the changes will be live on the website!

When you next come to edit, you should make sure you have the latest changes from other people too:

# fetch changes from the remote Forgejo server
git pull

If it tells you there are conflicts it probably means someone else has edited that page and git does not know how to combine your changes (it can combine unrelated changes quite easily).

You can try and teach yourself how it works (search for "resolve git conflict" or similar) but also you can just ask someone to help you :) Git can be quite confusing.

🚗 Deployment

We use Forgejo actions to build the gitbook, then rsync to deploy it to yuca.yunity.org where it is served at handbook.kanthaus.online.

You can check the status or progress by viewing the actions.


The emoji plugin we use is old, so we can only use emoji from several years ago. Thankfully the internet archive provides us with a 2019 version of the emoji cheat sheet we need. 🐴 🍎 🎌